Habemus speakers

Il tema della serata ve l’abbiamo già detto!

E adesso tocca alle speaker, coloro che ci aiuteranno a portarlo avanti per tutta la serata!

Vi chiediamo solo un minimo sforzo: 4 profili su cinque sono in inglese e scusate, ma a due giorni dall’evento e con 8 ore lavorative normali sulle spalle, nun ce la si fa a tradurli! :)
In ordine alfabetico:

Barbara Bellini ha un lavoro che la ricompensa dello stress che le procura, una figlia di quasi 8 anni, un passato professionale che le piace definire “denso”. Ha cominciato nell’88, come cronista di “bianca” nel quotidiano locale di Prato. Nel ‘92 diventa professionista e lavora a Roma, a Paese Sera. L’anno prima si era laureata in Lettere Moderne, con una tesi sulla Storia dell’opera di cui si stupisce, ma non rinnega. Come non si pente di avere il diploma di perito chimico. Dal ‘92 al ‘97, a Roma, ha fatto la giornalista. Ha firmato articoli per Io Donna, Gioia, Panorama, Epoca, ma anche Famiglia Cristiana, Il Mattino di Napoli, Il Messaggero. Rientra a Firenze, apre un service editoriale suo marito e comincia ad approcciare la Rete. L’anno successivo entra in Dada (allora una piccola srl) come consulente. Comincia a partecipare a convegni, per due anni fa l’assistente di un docente del Master in Multimedia della Rai. Per qualche tempo riesce a *non decidere* e a portare avanti i suoi due mestieri: giornalista e manager. Poi è arrivato il “terzo lavoro”, che ha ormai quasi 8 anni e si chiama Cloe, e con la maternità è arrivata la voglia di mettere qualche punto fermo. Così, ha scritto un piccolo libro “La Firenze dei bambini - manuale per vivere la città” e poi ha lasciato una ad una le sue corrispondenze, i suoi dibattiti e le altre divertenti “perdite di tempo” e si è dedicata alla carriera in Dada. Responsabile editoriale di Clarence, responsabile del prodotto m-site per H3G, responsabile contenuti per il Country Italia, da quasi due anni è responsabile Content & Community Dada.net. “Per un chimico laureato in lettere, giornalista professionista, mamma… direi che è un buon risultato. per ora ;)”

Sarah Blow is a Software Engineer and has been working in the technology industry for just over four years. She loves most things that are geeky and has a passion for the leading edge technologies and is always looking for the next gadget or technology. Sarah also founded the Girl Geek Dinners and is working to normalize the technology industry with her venture. The events have been sponsored in London by Microsoft Cambridge Labs, Stormhoek Wines, Locayta and Women in Technology. Her influence in the world of technology is growing with each new Girl Geek Dinner and events are beginning to pop up around the world. Sarah also has an active interest in mobile industry and has spoken at Mobile Mondays in London on subjects such as Mobile Web 2.0. (Bio via simple-talk). Her Linkedin

Maz Hardey is a leading thinker of the impact of new social media and social networks. She is currently working on her doctorate that is funded by the ESRC about how social media provide a new ‘pivototality’ for social interaction that is based on user engagement and social immersion. Maz Hardey consults to business and various Web 2.0 companies to offer a critical evaluation into the impact of social networks and their related emergent social phenomena. Her insight is unique, working at both an academic and professional level that offers a combination of potential business strategies and related social theory. Her own research provides a useful conceptual guide to understand the consequences of new social media that motivate social action and facilitate communication. As a long-time student of the social theory, politics and literature Maz Hardey is both a keen observer and participant of new social media, and finds that these stimulate more than their own share of social interaction! (via her Linkedin)

Maria Sebregondi is currently in charge of the brand equity of Moleskine; in particular, she manages brand development projects associated with the creation of social networks, offline and online. She has worked as a freelance professional, as consultant on strategic communication and product concept, and has dedicated herself to the Moleskine brand ever since it was created; she has collaborated in various training projects linked to creativity and innovation, aimed at businesses and institutions. Author of socio-anthropological treatises on contemporary mutations and numerous articles for daily papers and magazines, with particular attention to new languages, she has worked with writing in various areas: creative writing, copywriting and communication, treatises and literary translation. She has taught at public and private universities (courses on writing and communication, the sociology of fashions and trends, education for creative professionals). Member of OPLEPO, Potential Literature Workshop.

Diana Saraceni is a partner in 360° Capital Partners, a Venture Capital Fund focused on European Innovation, primarily in Italy and France. She joined 360° in 2001 and has worked with companies such as CO.Import (IT), Mutuionline (IT), Euroffice (UK), and Radiance (US). Before entering the venture capital industry, she was a Senior Advisor at Lazard Investment Banking, where she worked primarily on M&A transactions and IPOs as part of the Technology team. Diana is an active participant of several national and international selection committees for various venture capital initiatives.

Di carne al fuoco ne metteranno di sicuro! Starà a noi cogliere tutte le loro sollecitazioni e i loro stimoli!

4 Responses to “Habemus speakers”

  1. 1 Andrey Golub

    Ma che personaggi…

    sembra un bel speaker board ragazze, complimenti alle organizzatricce!

  1. 1 Come, dove, quando, perché? Oddio, non me lo ricordo!!! « Girl Geek Dinners Italia
  2. 2 Grazie! « Girl Geek Dinners Italia
  3. 3 Andrea Beggi » La cena delle ragazze [inserire qui la traduzione di “geek”]

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